Return Authorization - Hughes Autoformers

Return Authorization

Procedures for returning Hughes Autoformers for service/repair:

Any autoformer needing repair must have a return authorization number issued by calling customer service at (888) 540-1504. Autoformers sent to the company without a return authorization number and/or a check for return freight will be returned without repair, or repair will be delayed until check is sent.

As stated on the warranty card, freight is not covered under the two-year warranty.

Be prepared to discuss the problem with our technician. You must have measured the voltage at the power source (park power pole, etc.), and in your RV so we can diagnose the problem. You will be asked for your RV’s electrical service (30 or 50 amp), the model number of the Autoformer (and serial number if there is one). Remember, plug-in meters are not very accurate. Digital meters are better.

Please send a copy of your original sales receipt with the date of sale and the seller’s name and address.

Warning: Please use UPS or FedEx for shipping the Autoformer. We do not recommend using the US Postal Service.
Hughes Autoformers is not responsible for shipping damage created by inadequate packaging. 


Why do I need an Autoformer?

Hughes Autoformers are designed to increase voltage to your RV and help eliminate low voltage damage to your appliances. Unlike a boost transformer, the 'sense circuit' in the Autoformer will adjust the output based on the load demand. For this reason you can run additional appliances on a 30-amp input. For example, a coffee pot and microwave each draw 1200 watts. Add wattage for the converter and/or a refrigerator - about 800 additional watts – and now you have 3200 watt demand.

Video Testimonial

Award Winning

Power Watchdog EPO - 2019 RVIA Product of the Year Finalist